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2016.12.28-30 Organize employees to attend training courses for Party members in the whole city

Release time:2017-02-08 14:59:02 | Return list

  From December 28 to December 30, 2016, the Organizational Department of Huizhou Municipal Party Committee and the "Two New" Organizational Party and Labor Committee jointly organized a training course for the development of Party members of the "Two New" Organizations in Huizhou, together with the Party Committee of the non-public economic organizations and the Party Committee of the Municipal Social Organizations. Our company organized 4 qualified development objects to participate in the training, and participated in the assessment exam.

  In strict accordance with the requirements of the Detailed Rules for the Development of Party Members of the Communist Party of China, our Party organizations have carefully absorbed advanced members who love their posts, devote themselves to their work, have both ability and moral integrity, and are willing to help others to join the Party. They have regularly organized and studied to cultivate their beliefs in Marxism, communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and have a thorough understanding of the Party's history and fine traditions, style education and society. The core values of intellectualism should be educated to constantly improve their ideological awareness and play a better role as a model leader among the masses.

  We will continue to carry out the requirements of higher Party organizations on the construction of the ranks of Party members, ensure the quality of recruiting Party members, and build a team of Xinhua Party members with appropriate scale, reasonable structure, excellent quality, strict discipline and prominent role.
